Archives 2017

ETB on tour!


Werner, we are missing you!

Am 15. September verstarb unser "Urgestein" und langjähriger Vereinsvorsitzende Werner Behrmann


Auch das English Theatre Buxtehude trauert um Paul Speetzen.

Er hat sich mit seiner freundlichen Art immer für die Belange des ETB eingesetzt

und uns tatkräftig unterstützt.


Dennis Tappert new director!

We are proud to announce our new director for the new theatre season:

Dennis P. Tappert will take over the part to put our new play on stage.

Stay tuned for the announcement of our new play.


Changes at the ETB

A few changes will happen until the new season starts.
Our director Karsten Wildeisen announced his "retirement" from the time consuming job. Thus, we are very glad he will stay with the team as dramatic advisor as well as our script editor.


Programmheft Herbst 2017 - VHS Buxtehude
Programmheft Herbst 2017 - VHS Buxtehude

Update: 2024-04-28

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